User management

Registering by yourself

Registering by yourself
  1. Open the SEEBURGER Customer Portal.

    Information: If the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal page is preset to German, you can change the language to English at the top right of the page.
  2. Click Register.

  3. Enter your business Email Address.

  4. Click Confirm Email Address.

    You will receive an email with a registration link to confirm your email address and continue your registration.
  5. Click the link in the email.

  6. Enter at least your chosen Password and Company.

  7. Confirm the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.

  8. Click Next.

    It will be displayed to you if – by completing your registration – you will join an existing company account or create a new company account.
    Note: You will only ever be shown one of the two options. If a company account already exists in the SEEBURGER Customer Portal for the company you specified in step 6, then you will be shown the option Join company account. If no company account exists yet, then the option Create new company account will be displayed to you.
  9. Check if the correct option is selected.

    Note: If you are not shown the desired option, you can go back to the previous step by clicking Back and correct the specified company name.
  10. Click Finish Registration.

If you have created a new company account, you are automatically the administrator of this company account. As an administrator of a company account, you can use the SEEBURGER Customer Portal directly.If you have joined an existing company account, the administrator of that company account will receive your request to join. You will be notified via email about confirmation or rejection. Until then, you will only have access to the app First Steps Videos in the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal.

Find more information here:

> Registration options in the SEEBURGER Customer Portal

> After your registration

> Navigating the SEEBURGER Customer Portal

> Authentication options in the SEEBURGER Customer Portal